The candidates meeting the following criteria can enrol into the university doctoral study of Kinesiology in accordance with the last paragraph of Article 38a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS-UPB3) and Article 16 of the Act Amending the Higher Education Act (ZViS-E):
- Graduates of the master’s degree study programmes of the Faculty of Sport.
- Graduates of the master’s degree study programmes of other specializations if they pass a special test. The contents and scope of the test are determined by the Committee for the Postgraduate Study of the Faculty of Sport and depend on the type of the candidate’s previous university programme and on the professional field of the doctoral study.
- Graduates of the old master’s study programmes following the university degree in kinesiology. The fulfilled study obligations total 60 CP.
- Graduates of the old bachelor’s study programmes who obtained the title ‘sports education teacher’.
Graduates of study programmes that educates for professions regulated by EU directives, or another uniform master's study program evaluated with 300 ECTS credits.
- Graduates of other domestic and foreign universities in accordance with conditions described in the previous paragraphs. Comparability of education achieved abroad is checked in the process of recognition of foreign education for the continuation of education in accordance with Article 121 of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana.
In order to be able to apply for doctoral study of Kinesiology the candidate needs to upload the following mandatory annexes to the application:
- Consent of the mentor to take over the mentorship (Please find confirmation of consent of supervisor (in Slovenian language) here: Soglasje mentorja za prevzem mentorstva (consent of supervisor).pdf
- A decision on the recognition of a diploma obtained abroad or the purpose of continuing studies at the UL Faculty of Sport, if the diploma is obtained abroad,
- A photocopy of the diploma of the completed study programme (university, master's, specialist or second-cycle) or a copy of the provisional graduation certificate if the diploma has not yet been issued
- Evidence of the average grade of the studies and grade of the diploma and/or a photocopy of the diploma supplement (university, master's, specialist, second-cycle)
- Plan/description of scientific research work
- Graduates of foreign universities need to go through a procedure for the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications: Recognition of foreign education for enrolment in master and doctoral studies and for transfer (